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I specialize in helping business owners find qualified buyers when they are ready to sell. I develop YOUR individual exit strategy utilizing state-of-the-art financial analytical tools and marketing techniques. Business Team has been a leader in selling businesses since 1981 with 7,000+ transactions and thousands of satisfied clients. Business Team is the largest independent business brokerage firm with 100+ Brokers in the Western US. Offices are located throughout California, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington; this provides: • Confidential exposure for YOUR business to our Qualified Buyer database • Industry-leading Valuation tools & techniques • Experienced management & sales team • Customize Marketing program tailored for your business • Seasoned, skilled, and successful negotiators to achieve the maximum value for your company. A good next step is to arrange a quick complimentary and confidential conversation about your goals and objectives. I can review the simple steps required to evaluate your business and ultimately determine the market value and outline our sales strategy. Please reach out to schedule your complimentary 30-min call. ►►► CONTACT INFO: Paul Vas Dinis ☎(209) 549-9859 ✍ [email protected] WE GUIDE SELLERS: - Prepare businesses for sale - Create a detailed Information Memorandum for the business - Discretely and Confidentially market your business - Actively solicit to our pool of Buyers, High Net Worth Individuals & Private Equity Groups - Manage process through sale closing including providing all necessary agreements WE HELP BUYERS: - Targeted searches - Identify financing options - Manage acquisition process WE DO BUSINESS EVALUATIONS (Broker’s Opinion of Value): - Balance Sheet & Cash Flow Analysis - Historical Sold Comparable - Risk Analysis

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