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Per Bergfors

open on linkedin

Summary of working experience: +20 years of international management experience from small to large organizations. Execution and strategy development, project and people driven oriented +20 years of sales and marketing experience. Excellent in linking and leveraging the two areas. +15 years of talent development, talent pool and training, counseling, facilitation supporting talent development. +15 years of busisness and people development consulting + university teaching +20 years of people training and development +10 years as self employed entrepreneur +5 years of executive training and counseling In a nutshell: Dedicated, responsible, analytical, targeted, communicator and cognitive provoker. Able to work effectivly at all levels in organizations with the ability to achieve goals. Dedicated sportsman engaged in running, skiing, roller skiing kayaking, MTB, have run the Marathon, participated in worldchampionship in ½ Marathon and crossed the goal 8 times in the cross country event Vasa Loppet

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