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Robin Powell

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2023 to present I have been covering a maternity contract as Digital Client Director with Zenith (part of Core) In 2022 I got the opportunity to Direct the Digital Activation team at Dentsu. Taking my near 10 years experience to this role and operating at the highest level I learnt so much here, in short the experience of operations of global agency in business was breath taking. Prior to this I was Campaign Manager of Campaign Management Team (CMT) for Omnicom Media Group (OMG) the team grew from 5 when begun in Sept 2019 to currently 9, responsible for buying, trafficking, operating, verifying, reporting, reconciling and auditing all digital media campaigns within PHD & OMD. My proudest work and growth even though a pandemic ☺️ Earlier career pastures saw me work as Media Operations Specialist for Packed.House the newest media innovator in Ireland I was previously Online Operations Specialist at Entertainment.ie & Beaut.ie which are now under the Packed.House umbrella along with my previous employer E.M.S are the largest and most successful digital advertising sales company in Ireland with nearly 100% reach of the Irish internet audience. To sum up I have worked in numerous publishers and sales houses for nearly a decade. I’ve spent the last 2 plus years bringing this knowledge and learning to my current role while also learning the hemisphere of the position I am in across multi environment & suppliers.

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