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With over 19 years of experience in the digital marketing and eCommerce industry, I am passionate about helping SMBs grow their online presence, optimize their customer experience, and increase their revenues. I currently lead the digital marketing and eCommerce strategy team at Leading SMB eCommerce Solutions Company, a global provider of innovative and scalable eCommerce solutions for SMBs in various sectors, such as appliances, software, and education. As the head of digital marketing and eCommerce strategy, I am responsible for managing a team of 250+ professionals, overseeing multimillion-dollar campaigns across 35 countries, and delivering digital transformation consulting, marketing automation, and technology business development services to over 400 clients. Some of my achievements include generating over US$1.4 billion in revenues, building the first-ever digital marketing transformation framework, and partnering with over 80 MarTech vendors. I am also an avid learner and a certified professional in customer experience management, digital transformation, and six sigma. My mission is to leverage my expertise in AI and MarTech to create value-added and data-driven solutions for SMBs.

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