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print("Hello World! 👋") print("Checkout my website @ raghavthakur.dev") print("Checkout my projects @ github.com/raghavthakur") TypeError: see below for more info... I'm Raghav. This might sound a little cliché but I think I was born an engineer at heart. Growing up as a child I disassembled almost everything I could get my hands on, just to find out what made things tick! Sometimes leaving those things in pieces; may they rest in peace. I became fond of math, science, and art at an early age and developed those talents into a background in engineering and computer science. My source of inspiration growing up? Leonardo da Vinci because his use of ingenuity and creativity solved problems no one else could. His curiosity led to many innovations and modern day marvels. I aspire to have that same curiosity. I'm a software engineer at FAANG with a history of building full-stack web apps. I enjoy being involved with mentorship, helping aspiring software engineers, investing in tech stocks, and opportunities for growth. I'm highly motivated with a passion for learning, as they say with great passion comes great learning responsibility. Maybe not 😉 but I find this to be true. I have a curiosity of how things work and a desire to build things, and the goal of going into space one day. Please reach out to me if you want to learn more about my experiences or want to have a casual chat.

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