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🏷 Ricardo Belmar's Linkedin Analytics

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🏷 Ricardo Belmar

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With over 25 years of experience in the tech industry, Ricardo is a trusted advisor and influencer for retail and consumer goods organizations. Named a top retail industry influencer each year since 2021 by RETHINK Retail, and a Top 10 Retail Influentials in 2021 by RIS News, Ricardo is currently leading partner go-to-market for retail & consumer goods at Microsoft. In this role as the Director Partner Marketing for Retail & Consumer Goods he enables and empowers Microsoft's retail tech partners to grow and thrive in the dynamic and competitive retail market. He leverages his deep industry knowledge, strategic vision, and integrated marketing skills to create and execute impactful campaigns, programs, and investments across the partner lifecycle. Ricardo is also the founder and podcast producer of Retail Razor, a media and advisory platform that cuts through the clutter in retail and retail technology. He shares his insights and perspectives on the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities in the retail sector, and advises retailers and retail tech solution providers on how to build and scale transformational customer experiences. He is a member of several retail industry advisory councils, a featured panelist at RetailWire, and a contributor to RETHINK Retail, RIS News and other publications. He is passionate about helping retail and tech leaders innovate and succeed in the digital era.

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