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Rishi Sharma

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Connect with me to experience limitless expansion for your business. I help businesses and individuals to take advantage of digital platforms for more visibility and more revenue. I have experience with both B2B and B2C offerings. A proactive promise from a growth hacker that our performance-based digital advertising services will help your gain an advantage over your competition. Contact me for Website and Application Development , We can get a MVP ready for you in no time. We are making extensive use of No- Code Platforms to help you save time and money. My company Tomaque has expertise in Performance Marketing , We promise results and leave no stone unturned till you overachieve your goals. We provide digital marketing services and write to us on [email protected] for Pay Per Click Advertising , Content Marketing , Search Engine Optimisation and Social Media Marketing. I am a strong believer in future technologies like AI, Blockchain, Nanotechnology, IoT, and the internet of nano things however also accepts the fact that traits like empathy, respect, trust, and other EQ factors will be super valuable than technology. Work Experience as Leading and Directing for Operations, Sales, Training, Development, Digital Marketing, and Management domains. I have also invested in budding startups in the fields of AI, Blockchain and Fitness domains and still interested to support new ideas with my technical and finacial support. Do let me know should you seek early stage startup investments. it's alll about taking initiatives.... Rishi

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