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After 37 years of teaching and researching at The University of Dallas, I retired in October 2023 with a BA in Liberal Arts and Sciences. My field of expertise is problem solving, especially in engineering,mathematics and physics, where I have explored topics such as Fermat's Last Theorem, Hardy's taxi cab number, and Einstein's Unified Field Theory. I have also applied my problem-solving skills to other domains, such as medicine and agriculture, where I have contributed to the discovery of potential cures for breast cancer and the elimination of derecho's destructive effects through environmental enhancement of crops ability to survive in communication with the weather itself by the chemical process stoichiometry already developed but discarded as useless by the University of Iowa Environmental Sciences Department . My mission is to continue learning and sharing my knowledge with others, as well as to pursue further research and cures for diseases and environmental damage including climate change through radiometry technology that allows us to “ask earth “ to change globally temperatures and precipitation patterns through radio frequency telescopes in Goldstone, AUS and in the United States of America ( AC- AUS /DC- US) in the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn and in various paragons around the equator.

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