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Rosie / Rose McAlister 's Linkedin Analytics

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Profile picture of Rosie / Rose  McAlister

Rosie / Rose McAlister

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Hello, my name is Rosie (She/Her), a seasoned Recruitment Professional who specialises in CX, UX, UI, Product, Service Design, Accessibility, and Development. I'm passionate about connecting with amazing individuals and promoting diversity and inclusivity. I build strong partnerships with my clients and candidates, leading them through an informed recruitment journey. Apart from work, you can find me practising Olympic weightlifting at the gym or spending quality time with my beloved Greyhound, Harrison. Recruitment Areas of Expertise: ✨Digital Accessibility ✨Development ✨UX Strategy ✨Service Design ✨UI Design ✨User Experience Design ✨UX Strategy ✨User Research ✨Product Design ✨Information Design ✨Design Systems ✨Design Leadership 📱 03 9244 9999 💻 [email protected] I look forward to working with you soon! Thanks for stopping by. 👏

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