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I live and breathe the domain of HR on a daily basis and in particular the world of recruitment which is my passion. I carry skills in sourcing, social media, executive recruitment, talent development & HR consulting. Recruitment has many aspects which fit with my character - research, creativity, creating new connections with people and helping them acknowledge the potential within themselves. I'm also quite tech-savvy, always eager to learn and discover new things. I've used to try many beta HR & recruitment tools and believe in the power of combining tech tools with my analytical skills. In the past, I co-founded and managed a company for more than two years that provided consulting services in the HR domain. Through this work I have learned to deal with various kinds of clients, and their diverse demands. We tailored tools and adjusted our practices for the needs of each of our clients. I believe in the power of positive thinking and use it to inspire my peers and the people I work with. Outside of work, I'm a foodie, enjoy attending music festivals and gigs & playing tennis. Feel free to contact me:) Email: [email protected]

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