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Ammar Saifuddin 🚀's Linkedin Analytics

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Profile picture of Ammar Saifuddin 🚀

Ammar Saifuddin 🚀

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I am the CEO and founder of e53 Fulfillment, a fulfillment center that specializes in eCommerce logistics, warehouse, and 3PL services. With over 8 years of experience in the logistics and supply chain management field, I have the credentials, competencies, and vision to provide customized solutions to online retailers and businesses. My mission is to help my clients grow their sales, reduce their costs, and improve their customer satisfaction. I have successfully scaled e53 Fulfillment from a small 500-square-foot room to a spacious 24,000-square-foot facility in Austin, Texas, thanks to my outstanding diplomacy and negotiation skills, my record-breaking sales performance, and my innovation and excellence. I am also a co-founder of Natural Roads, a health and fitness platform, and Mails Forever, a virtual mailbox service, demonstrating my passion and versatility as an entrepreneur.

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