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Sam Buckingham

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A proven leader in direct-to-consumer leadership, innovation, UX/UI, digital product ownership, user experience and business architecture, technical architecture, agile and eCommerce operations. I’ve lead many large scale redesigns, replatforms and entire digital brand transformations. I’ve built technology and teams that helped scale brands at the 10m, 100m, 500m and 1b ARR milestones. I have experience as a change agent in the public, private, and private equity spaces and understand the differences on how to be successful in each. Current brand: KEEN Footwear Brands in my portfolio: KUIU Ultralight Hunting: KUIU.com Patagonia Inc.: www.patagonia.com KEEN Footwear: www.keenfootwear.com Chrome Industries: www.chromeindustries.com Columbia Sportswear: www.Columbia.com SOREL: www.sorel.com Montrail: www.montrail.com Mountain Hardwear: www.mountainhardwear.com

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