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Sarah Heimeier

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www.sarahheimeier.com I love carrying out design research, understanding human behaviour and defining insights and opportunities to help craft great experiences and help organisations thrive. I've worked across User Experience Research, Strategic Design and Service Design. I'm experienced in defining future state experiences and roadmaps to help with the delivery of solutions that are viable for the business, feasible to create and desirable for customers. This also involves projecting our thinking into the future and understanding what might change with human behaviour and technology. My work style is focused around collaborating with stakeholders and taking them on the design journey. This means everyone is aligned and I can feed in their expertise to help understand and solve problems. I enjoy sharing my knowledge through mentoring and coaching other designers and team members in Human Centred Design. I've ran ongoing Human Centred Design training programs with teams to help them solve large customer and business problems, and mentored them throughout their projects. I look forward to tackling difficult problems, co-designing and testing minimal loveable products, and planning and facilitating ongoing design sprints. Or anything research related. I enjoy learning, challenging, and stretching my abilities. This means I've done lots of different courses - including improv, life drawing, the altMBA and business strategy courses to name a few. I won the National James Dyson Award for Australia and contributed to winning three Good Design Awards for Goals 360 (Gold Winner, Best in class and Winner). Book in for coaching with me to elevate your design skills and career - https://calendly.com/sarahheimeier/60min

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