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Sarvesh Shrivastava's Linkedin Analytics

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Sarvesh Shrivastava

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Nearly a decade of SEO experience generating organic traffic growth and increasing profits! Current role as Senior SEO Manager involves creating high level SEO strategies for online businesses with a combined valuation of $10M along with managing a large team. Also grown and sold 10+ blogs for multiple six figures in profits! Using Link building, great content, and Technical SEO to grow my and my client’s projects, I have been able to take multiple sites to over 300k visitors per month. I've built a robust Search Engine Optimisation process which includes link building, Helpful content, and more that allows me to leverage organic traffic as a serious channel for growth. I specialize in: ✅ --> Getting Content Produced that actually moves the Traffic needle ✅ --> Technical SEO. ✅ --> SEO auditing and developer implementation. ✅ --> Link acquisition and link strategies. ✅ --> On-page SEO and internal link optimization. ✅ --> Building SEO teams and supporting the hiring process

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