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David Pugh

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Since forming SCRUB THE DECK® I've helped many tech companies overcome a major barrier to growth, securing the cash injection for investment they need. I consult and help create the strategy and structure of the key elements of the raise : Raising Traction, The Pitch Deck, Investor Outreach, Investor Meetings and managing the intense Due Diligence process. With expert knowledge and insights into the sectors of : Fintech, Automotive, Broadcast Media, Blockchain, Sports, Hospitality and Food/Beverage + many more. I've helped launch new brands, new products and new concepts into competitive marketplaces since 2007. My dedication and focus to work through your problem 1 on 1 is one of the biggest assets to the creative process. I've worked with clients who are some of the biggest leaders in their markets; and include the likes of Adidas, Cisco, Hilton, BBC, Estrella Damm, MTV, Mercedes, Aston Martin as well as over 100 Tech Startups.

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