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Sarah G.

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Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in my posts are solely those of my own and do not reflect the position of Novoda or any of its affiliates. Content shared here is intended for informational and networking purposes related to Avagasso Coaching and is not a representation of my role as Director of Engineering at Novoda. For over 20 years, I have been passionate about software development, agile methodologies, and engineering leadership. As the Director of Engineering at Novoda, I help forward-thinking engineering leaders do great work on mobile at scale. I lead a team of talented engineers, foster a culture of innovation and collaboration, and deliver high-quality solutions for our clients. I am also the Founder and Coach at Avagasso Coaching, where I empower individuals and teams to unlock their potential, pursue their goals, and ignite their passions. I am a certified Leadership Coach and a dynamic Keynote Speaker, with experience in giving trainings, facilitating workshops, and speaking at events. I leverage my expertise in System, Agile, and Personal Development to create a supportive and authentic space for transformation. My mission is to kindle your inner fire and allow its heat to echo into eternity.

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