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Shayan Yar

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🚀 Having helped 1,300+ startups from across the world and successfully led complex innovation projects for the likes of AWS, S&P Global, The World Bank, Asian Development Bank, The U.S Embassy in Pakistan, The Asia Foundation, UNDP, Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, Unilever and others, Shayan has a proven track record in shaping and propelling innovation ecosystems MENAP and Asia Pacific Regions. 💡 With an innate ability to architect and actualize novel ideas, he has been a driving force behind numerous groundbreaking initiatives such as DigiSkills Pakistan, Sydney Startup Hub, UNSW Founders Program, National Incubation Center (NIC Pakistan) & MISK Launchpad, KSA that have reshaped the entrepreneurial landscape in their respective ecoaystems. Shayan has also helped startups raise millions of dollars in investments. 🏆 Shayan has been nominated for Global Startup Awards 2023 as an Ecosystem Hero for Pakistan. His journey as a thought leader has been proven by accolades such as the Australia Awards Scholarship, a Dean's List Honour, and the prestigious Prime Minister's Certificate of Appreciation, solidifying his status as a top-line contributor to the entrepreneurial and innovation ecosystem. 🔧 His capacity to coach startups and founders, shepherd projects, lead teams, and navigate complex landscapes makes him a sought-after leader. Shayan is always looking for opportunities to collaborate and build solutions that ensure a better future for the coming generations.

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