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Sheetal Ramkumar's Linkedin Analytics

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Sheetal Ramkumar

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Sheetal is an accomplished business leader with over 18 years of experience, demonstrating a strong focus on customer satisfaction and a proven track record of success across various service sectors within large organizations. As the Founder of Curiotory, her passion lies in empowering young individuals through skills development, mainstreaming language learning, and introducing diverse career opportunities. She is dedicated to integrating the specially abled into the global workforce and advancing the field of Edu-Tech. Having served as CEO and Founder of White Globe Group, Asia's premier language service provider, Sheetal brings extensive expertise in language services to the table. During her tenure in corporate roles, Sheetal spearheaded numerous large-scale initiatives, expanding service networks throughout Maharashtra and Goa, and leading technical support teams in telecommunications companies worldwide. Recognized for her achievements, Sheetal has received multiple business awards and has been honored among the most influential women leaders and inspiring business figures by Insight Success and Business APAC. She attributes her success to her teams and clientele, emphasizing collaboration and customer-centricity. Sheetal holds an MBA from Symbiosis, a PG in PR & Advertising from MICA, and a Diploma in International Telecom System Management from IIT Delhi. A dedicated reader, she continues to enrich her knowledge while remaining committed to driving positive change in the business landscape..

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