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“There is a way to do it better. Find it.” — Thomas A. Edison Mr. Edison is right. Do you know that businesses achieve only 29% of set goals on time and within budget? This means that 71% businesses could have higher productivity, increased revenue and faster scale — but they don’t. This is where I come in. A little about me: After a 15 year stint in corporate — the entrepreneurship bug caught me. I helped solve ambiguous problems, lead teams across 3 continents, scaled projects to multi-billion dollars at tech frontrunners like TCS, Meta and Google — and then I asked myself: "What happens if startups and SMBs could access my expertise?" Growth, growth and growth. That is when Shoonya.company was born. What sets us apart is: — we’re a customer-first consultancy firm — creativity is at the centrepiece of solving problems — we help startups and SMBs act and grow like legendary companies — we have one rule and one rule only: how to make innovation a habit for your teams and leaders That’s it! Struggling with strategic growth? Reach out here: [email protected] Always up for a brainstorming sessions. And when not obsessing over problems, I’m either hiking, travelling or exploring different cuisines.

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