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Sridhar Anehan's Linkedin Analytics

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Sridhar Seshan

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With over 20 years of experience in technology consultancy and software development, I am a Senior Consultant at Confidential, a leading provider of innovative solutions for various industries. I help my clients leverage the power of AI, IoT, robotics, augmented reality, and mobility to enhance their business performance, customer experience, and revenue growth. I am also the Founder of Condor Technology Associates, a company that develops and implements cutting-edge software solutions for transport systems, ERP systems, and virtual fitting rooms. I have successfully expanded the company into new international markets and increased its customer base by 50% in 2014. Additionally, I am the Consulting Partner at The Healthy Foods Store, a company that brings the rich flavors of healthy cuisine to the global market. I am passionate about creating and promoting a healthy lifestyle through technology and food.

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