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Stella Aloka

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Helping Business Owners and Top Management Executives to stay organised and reduce their work stress by managing their operational activities and projects has always been my goal. I am an innovative Virtual Assistant with over 10 years of experience helping businesses in Administration, Executive Support, Project Management, Customer Success, Data Entry, Lead Generation, Operations Management, Research, Email Management, and Business Management. You deserve a talent that would strategically contribute to the growth and development of your business. 💥As your Executive Assistant, I ensure confidentiality in handling sensitive information while working effectively in keeping you organised and multitasking in other to manage time and meet deadlines. 💥Being your Customer Support Specialist would give your clients maximum confidence in your services and build customer loyalty because of my prompt response in handling their enquiries, complaints management, resolving challenges and providing feedback. 💥Your project deserves a good manager that would coordinate the team, set goals, monitor operational procedures, analyse and avert risk, manage time, meet deadlines and then, deliver amazing results. I am here to ensure that.👩‍💻 💥Generating leads for your sales funnel is the first step to increasing your revenue. As a Researcher and Lead Generation Specialist, I provide only QUALITY and VERIFIED leads with high chances of conversion. In the course of my career, I have gained adequate knowledge in the use of software applications such as; √ Google Workspace (Gmail, Drive, Sheets, Doc, Slides, Forms, Meets and Calendar) √ Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Outlook and Teams) √ Trello, Asana, Wrike, Slack, Notion, Discord √ Zendesk, Monday.com √ Apollo.io, Salesql, Lemlist, Leadscrapper, Hunter.io, Tamly, Dropcontact, Webscraper etc Having me on your team will be a valuable asset to your business. Let's connect.

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