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Stephen Shaw

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I'm a strategic, immersive, innovation professional, with over 10 years experience in the sector. I'm hugely excited by how the connected world is being reshaped as we speak - and how the way we work, discover and interact with each other is changing with the advent and growth of today's burgeoning 3D spatial economy that embraces XR, virtual production, real-time 3D VFX, gaming engines, tools and technologies. My rich and varied professional immersive and agency experience demonstrates an ongoing ambition and ability to stay at the forefront of the trajectory of future media-tech innovation - a significant value-add to like-minded frontier-thinking companies seeking to cement their place in today’s fast evolving media innovation value-chain. Particular strength and experience in the strategic ideation, production and delivery of immersive XR (webAR, AR, VR, MR, LBE) metaverse solutions for a range of Fortune 500/FTSE 250 clients i.e. ‘Wow Factor’ XR brand-experience campaigns that consistently deliver high consumer engagement, delight and value. An emotionally intelligent, strategic thinker/producer with a ‘hands-on, hands dirty’ approach - who can demonstrate tangible value-add to my clients and profitable business growth from highly motivated, multi-disciplined teams. Reach out today to see how we can help you ideate, execute and manage your XR strategy and take your first steps into the metaverse. “Welcome to a new era of marketing and service in which your brand is defined by those who experience it.” - Brian Solis, Futurist.

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