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Steven Guillen's Linkedin Analytics

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Steven Guillen

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Emails have changed since the days of your grandparents. Once it was a place to share funny comics and ask for help installing the internet (ahem, grandma.) Now it’s grown into an industry worth over $12 billion and with over 4 billion daily user. And those number are only expected to grow. So get in on the massive opportunity this thriving marketing channel has for business owners and creators. Increase your revenue while building trust. Launch your online courses and guides to an eager audience, prepped and ready to buy. Your brand deserves emails with umph! Something that gets your readers excited. Emails that bring a feeling of professionalism, style, and awareness to your brand and product. Together, we can create a system that nurtures your list, builds trust, wins you brand ambassadors, and converts your readers to buyers. -Segmentation -Copywriting -Implementation Are just a few skills that make up a successful email list. You'll get that plus: -Emails tailored to your audience -Storytelling that fits your brand voice and tone -Market research on your ideal customer -Customer journey mapping for optimized emails and funnels Build your healthy email list today. DM me and find out how.

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