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Sumeet Singh

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Hey there! ๐Ÿ‘‹ I'm Sumeet Singh, your friendly neighborhood Product Manager, with a solid 6-year stint in SAAS (AI, HR Tech, E-commerce, and US Healthcare). Currently, I'm jazzing up my skills with an MBA in Strategy and Leadership from Liverpool John Moores University. At Atologist Infotech, I'm the brains behind ZomoHealth, our cool new US Healthcare product. My gig? Making sure it rocks at improving patient outcomes and cutting costs. From cooking up ideas to making it real, I've got the whole "product management" game covered, ensuring it's all in sync with what our peeps want. I thrive on Agile vibes, turning data into gold to make our products shine. Rallying the dream team - devs, designers, analysts, the whole shebang - we're all about making magic happen together. When I'm not playing product wizard, I'm all about using tech to tackle real-world puzzles and grow things sustainably. I've got a knack for delivering big wins, from keeping users hooked to snagging sweet deals with Fortune 500 big shots. Oh, and boosting revenue? Yeah, I've got a trick or two up my sleeve for that too. Love diving into new challenges and learning new tricks of the "product management" trade. Hit me up, let's swap stories and stay on top of what's hot in the industry!

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