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Suzanne Forkner, MS, MCHES®, CWP's Linkedin Analytics

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Profile picture of Suzanne Forkner, MS, MCHES®, CWP

Suzanne Forkner, MS, MCHES®, CWP

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Suzanne Forkner has had a diverse career in healthcare and public health during the past 20 years, including private practice, city/county and district health departments, state government, non-profit, higher education, and hospital settings. Ms. Forkner is a Master Certified Health Education Specialist (MCHES)®, a Certified Wellness Practitioner (CWP), successfully completed the Health Promotion Director program from The Cooper Institute in Dallas, TX, completed the Nebraska State Government Leadership Certificate, and a graduate of the University of Nebraska Medical Center's Great Plains Leadership Institute. She has a Bachelor of Science in Education, specializing in Community Health Education, from the University of Nebraska–Lincoln and her Master in Health Promotion and Human Resources Management from Nebraska Methodist College. Some of Ms. Forkner’s accomplishments include: helping Lincoln, NE and Omaha, NE, become smoke-free communities, coordinating the Fremont Area Medical Center’s conversion to a tobacco-free campus, achieving the Nebraska Governor's Excellence in Wellness Grower Award and the Gold Level Well Workplace Award from the Wellness Council of America, and is a recipient of the Catherine Wotherspoon Excellence Award from Nebraska Methodist College.

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