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As a software engineer specializing in mobile and web development, I possess experience building products from the ground up; prioritizing accessibility, security, data privacy, and scalability. My proficiency lies in full-stack development for mobile and web applications, utilizing React/React-Native, Typescript, and various tools for state management. When it comes to mobile development, I use native modules with Xcode and Android Studio to ensure seamless functionality. My background in Electrical Engineering has provided me with a deep understanding of computer science at its lowest level, leading to a strong appreciation for software engineering. I am a multifaceted learner with the ability to grasp complex concepts and understand how they function. While I have worked with a plethora of programming languages and tools, I have found TypeScript to be the most effective for developing scalable multi-platform applications. I have gained much of my knowledge through college courses, coding bootcamps, online learning, and countless hours reading documentation and tech articles. By immersing myself in various languages, frameworks, and libraries, I have become proficient in resolving bugs, improving work structures, and collaborating with other engineers and verticals. For the Front-End development my expertise is TypeScript, React/React-Native. For Back-End API and database services: NoSQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Go lang, GraphQL/Apollo. Client State-Management: Mobx-State-Tree, Redux, Hooks, Context API. Client Navigation: React-Navigation for mobile and React-Router for web navigation. As an avid learner, I am constantly seeking new technologies to enhance my skills. Currently, I am expanding my knowledge in AWS, Go lang, and GraphQL. Please find my links below for more information. LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/swsprofile/ GitHub: https://github.com/syedwshah Portfolio: https://syedwshah.github.io/ StackOverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/users/9059680/shah Medium: https://medium.com/@syedwshah.nyc

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