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Sydney Haddad's Linkedin Analytics

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Sydney Haddad

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Design and problem-solving excites me. I'm passionate about the impact of technology on our society, which I express by creating elegant human-centred designs that simply meet user needs and achieve business goals. I'm a creative thinker, so I enjoy the challenge of exploring design solutions that are useful and usable by all As an avid learner studying Design Computing and Marketing at USYD, I possess an extensive knowledge of UX/UI design and research that has helped me to develop my designing, wireframing, prototyping, coding, testing and researching skills. Outside of university, I balance commitments of society volunteering, and working casually in retail and as a USYD Student Ambassador. This has advanced my attributes of time-management, teamwork, and organisation. I aspire to further enhance and apply my skills through industry experience.

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