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My name is Syed Khurram Riaz, and I have a strong background as a Financial Accountant & Bank Internal Auditing. I hold a Bachelor degree in Commerce and Master degree in Finance, and also Certified Internal Auditor with IIA (Institute of Internal Auditor); Perusing Certification in Management Accounting from IMA (Institute of Management Accountant); EX- K.P.M.G & EX- ICAP (Institute of Chartered Accountant of Pakistan). I am passionate about utilizing my 20 years of experience in the Accounting, Auditing and Banking & Finance industry to contribute to an organization's success. My expertise in Management Accounts Preparing and Maintaining reports including Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet, Cash Flow Analysis, Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, Overhead costs, Sales Forecasts, Value of Inventory on hand and Analysis of key performance indicators and historical and budgeted information.

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