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This recruiter went from billing $500K to $1.8 million. His pricing strategy is pure genius He’s gone from charging 20% to 37.9% For years, he charged the standard 20% fee like everyone else in his market. But everything changed after learning one simple trick. When clients ask about fees now, he never quotes a number on the spot. Instead, he says, "Let me analyze your needs, and I'll have a proposal to you within two hours." He returns with oddly specific percentages like 23.8% or 32.7% - ALWAYS including decimal points. "Since implementing this, not a single person has countered on our fee," he told me. "We've increased from 20% to as high as 28.3 % and even 37.9%." This approach helped him jump from $500K to $1.8 million in just his second year of business. Podcast in comments
Sounds pretty obvious But the biggest Billers I've spoken with Are all good people... I've spoken to hundreds of recruiters over the years. And the ones that are impatient, rude and arrogant? Never making as much as the Top Billers I speak with... Who are ALWAYS patient and respectful. They haven't reached the top from simply working their ass off. They've done it by building genuine relationships and adding value to every conversation. Reminder to be a good person first.
I’ve NEVER regretted saying no to bad clients But saying YES to the wrong people Has literally kept me up at night Life gets a HELL of alot easier. When you work with companies that are truly aligned. That only works if you have a FULL pipeline. More options = More picky
Some recruiters are losing 25-30% of their revenue before they even start work By giving discounts... You change lives. You transform companies. Don't settle on fees. Tell em what you charge and stick to your guns. If they don't like it, walk away.
Most recruiters already know what to do. They’re just hoping there’s an easier answer When there isn’t.... Spoke with two Top Billers today A 700k Biller And a 2 Million dollar biller Both said the same things.. "I outwork my competition" " I do more volume" " I leave the office later" No easy route to success. Just hard graft and reps.
Just wana remind you that BIG billers Are normally doing deals between 20k and 50k (at least) They may not even be better recruiters… But they’re making more just because they are working on bigger deals.
Spoke with a 400k Biller last week “Every time I panic about low project volume I know why - I haven’t worked on the basics” Sounds simple. But here's what I've noticed about top billers: They never blame the market, economy, or circumstances. They know success comes down to consistent daily actions. When deals aren't closing, they double down on fundamentals. - They get back on the phones - They send more DM's - They spec more CV’s Your results are a direct reflection of your daily habits. So review those first.
I went 6 MONTHS without billing anything. Zero deals. Then month 6 to month 18, I became Top Biller in Canada. $679,000 in billings. A plaque on my desk to prove it… What changed wasn't some magic formula or secret technique. It was persistence through the learning curve. It was showing up every day, even when results weren't coming. Most people quit right before the breakthrough happens. The biggest difference between average recruiters and top billers? Their willingness to endure months of rejection and uncertainty. Your breakthrough might be closer than you think. Podcast in comments
A 500k biller showed me his calendar. Guess what had the biggest chunk of time? BD. Every day for 2 hours. From 10 -11 am. And in the afternoon from 4 - 5 pm. Everything else had ebs and flows. But BD stayed virtually the same every week. Lesson: FILL your funnel. Make it a priority. And never miss a day.
Recruiters, if you're doing ANY outbound work You should be posting content. Here's why… Most people think content is purely for inbound business. They think the holy grail is posting content and getting inbound leads... Don't get me wrong, that's great. But here's where you make A LOT more money: Posting content acts as an incredible catalyst to ALL of your outbound conversations. I remember a client who came to me because he was doing a huge amount of outbound work, but very few people were responding. 3 months later, with almost 1 million impressions generated, he started getting a much warmer response. 6 months later, with 3 million impressions, his response rate rose to around 40%. 12 months later, with nearly 6 million impressions, he consistently books more calls on a weekly basis. A huge part of that is because people are now familiar with his brand, so cold messages are no longer cold. They're warm. So here's a reminder to ALL recruiters who are smashing the outbound: If you want to make your life a hell of a lot easier, start building a brand.
Recruiters, here's the exact number of calls It takes to be a Million Dollar Biller (It's not as outrageous as you think.) 6,392. BUT breaking it down: That's about 25 calls a day, Monday to Friday, for a year. Any recruiter reading this can make 25 calls per day. Success isn't about extraordinary talent. It's about ordinary actions performed with extraordinary consistency. Daily actions that compound over time.
This Top biller will easily make 15 placements In the next 120 days, each worth $25,000 Here’s the exact 60-second video script he uses He sends 60-second videos via text. And his response rate is phenomenal. "There is no chance if somebody texts you a video of themselves that you don't hit play out of curiosity," he told me. "Hey John, I know you've been playing in this space for 16 years. You guys are a company that has come on my radar. I've actually had candidates I've spoken with ask me if I partner with your company because they want to be there. So when I've heard that from five or seven people, I feel the duty to engage with you guys and find out what you're doing over there. Let me know when we can jump on a call. If nothing else, I can let you know what I am seeing and hearing in the market and hopefully give value to you from a competitive lens." Simple. To the point. 1 take via an iPhone. Podcast in comments
I interviewed a $1.2 million Biller. Guess how he's winning NEW roles? Yep... by posting content on LinkedIn. For context... the person I'm talking about is Mike Williams He's a specialist recruiter in manufacturing with a 38,000-strong network, and he confidently attributes 7 figures of roles filled directly from LinkedIn. But here's the interesting part: Most of his business isn't won from new clients. It's actually from existing clients. While most recruiters are obsessing over new logos... Mike is nurturing the lowest-hanging fruit: the people who already know, like, and trust him. Check out his content... it's open, honest, and documents his journey of scaling a recruitment company. He's STILL a fan of old-school methods like cold calling, pitching MPCs, and in-person meetings... But there is absolutely no debate: If you combine digital marketing with old-school methods, you'll be ahead of the competition and likely win more business. Check out the full podcast below!
There's nothing more dangerous than a recruiter with something to prove. The ones who’ve been told they aren't good enough. The one who's been overlooked for promotion. The one who's had their first month with zero billings. They work with a different kind of hunger. They outwork everyone They obsess over details They refuse to be average Sometimes, the most powerful motivation isn't money – it's the burning desire to prove someone wrong.
Spoke with two recruiters this week. One just lost a £40k deal. The other closed their biggest placement. That's recruitment in a nutshell. You can experience your highest highs And your lowest lows All in the same week. Most people would crack under this pressure. Most people would quit after a few months. Most people couldn't handle the uncertainty. But die-hard recruiters... You guys are a different breed. And that's why I'll always respect this industry.
Recruiters, you can change your life In 12 months, by doing the right daily activities This man is living proof of that… - $500 in his bank account - A newborn at home - And crushing debt. One year later, he billed $789,000. He stripped everything back to basics and focused on just two things: Never missing a day of business development Consistently speaking with candidates He also created a point system. 2 points for every candidate submission 3 points for every interview scheduled 5 points for every new contract signed His goal? 40 points every week. Notice what's NOT included in the point system? Placements. Because submissions, interviews, and contracts fill the funnel And a FULL funnel naturally leads to placements. Let me repeat… you can change your life in 12 months… By doing the right daily activities. Podcast in comments
Before going solo, this recruiter billed over $600k His company kept $500,000 He was left with $100k… He asked for a $5000 raise on his salary And free parking… The company said no. So he left. Great lesson… Don’t be a greedy bastard. Keep your staff happy and do the right thing.
Brent is a $2+ million biller He breaks recruiting into basic math Here's exactly how many deals he has to make… "If I want to do two and a half million in revenue And my average fee is 25 Grand, I need 100 deals." "But I don't need 100 deals, I need 25 a quarter." His mental trick? Working backwards from the goal and surrounding himself with his targets. - They are on his phone - They are on his wall - They are on his TV Everywhere he looks, his targets are sitting there. "I already imagine that 2.5 million is done” Now, for every deal I do, I work away from it. 100, now we're down to 99, now we're at 98, now at 97" "I have to see it constantly so I know exactly what I'm pursuing." “That's how you guarantee you hit your targets” —----------------------------------- Today's guest is Brent Orsuga. He's genuinely one of the most energetic people I've ever met. Speak with this guy for 5 minutes, and you see that he's an intensely high performer. His insight into recruitment, business development and mindset is brilliant. You're going to love this episode, We jump into: - How Brent wins new clients - His secret to consistency and 2 million-dollar years - His daily routine - How he primes his mind for success Great episode! Hope you enjoy Podcast in comments
"Two years ago, I woke up crying. No reason. Just tears" I was: - Running a successful recruitment firm - Leading 14 people - Making great money - Living the 'dream But my brain had other plans. As a 6'5" business owner, I fit nobody's image of someone struggling with mental health. That's exactly why I'm sharing this. I still take medication. I still see a therapist. I still have battles. But here's what I've learned: If you break your leg, you go to hospital. If you break your brain... why do we just carry on? You can have a nice house. The fancy car. The successful business. But without mental health, none of it matters. To every business owner feeling alone right now: You're not weak. You're not failing. Just talk to someone. Your brain is the only one you've got. —----------------------------------------------- Today's Guest is James Lovell-Butt. He went from his bedroom to leading 14 recruiters. But that's not why you should listen... This episode isn't just about recruitment success. It's about the raw reality of being a business owner - the pressure, the loneliness, and the importance of talking about it. Grab a drink and let's dive in… Podcast in comments
Spoke with a $1.2M biller recently. Most recruiters chase posted jobs Because they're 'easy' opportunities, he said... But here's what they're walking into: - 5+ agencies already involved - Fee negotiations from day one - Candidates already interviewing Then he revealed his strategy... He targets companies with NO active roles. Why? Becuase the payoff is massive: - Zero competition from other agencies - Premium fees (25-30% vs 15%) - Exclusive relationships - No pressure to rush candidates - Higher client commitment 'Sure, it takes more calls to land them. But one great client beats five average ones.' Lesson: The best opportunities aren't on job boards. They're sitting in companies that don't even know they need you yet. Podcast in comments
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