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Talha Qasim

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Welcome to my profile. Are you looking for high quality eLearning course content for your chosen niche? You are at right place. I am Talha, an instructional designer, eLearning developer, educational consultant and eLearning course content creator. I have been engaged with teaching and educational sector for over a decade. In my career, I have created many courses for various clients across the globe. Working independently : I can work independently as instructional designer, eLearning developer and online course content creator. Working as a part of your team : I will be responsible for creating engaging and effective online courses that meet the needs of your target audience. I will work closely with the Instructional Designer and Subject Matter Experts to design and develop course content that aligns with your organization's learning objectives. Responsibilities I can take: - I will collaborate with the Instructional Designer and Subject Matter Experts to create and develop course content. - Research, design and develop new courses, as well as update existing courses to ensure they are relevant and up-to-date. - I will write clear and concise course content, including learning objectives, assessments, and activities that align with instructional design principles. - I will use multimedia tools and technologies to create engaging and interactive course content, including videos, animations, quizzes, and simulations. - I will collaborate with graphic designers and multimedia specialists to create engaging visual elements and media content for the course. - I will conduct quality assurance reviews of course content to ensure it meets established standards for accuracy, completeness, and effectiveness. - I will continuously evaluate and improve courses based on feedback from learners, instructors, and stakeholders. - I will keep up-to-date with the latest trends, technologies, and best practices in instructional design and e-learning. - And any other relevant task you require me to do. Lastly, I have a passion for education and want to create courses that inspire and engage learners. Lets connect to work together to achieve your organizational objectives. My tool kit : articulate storyline, canva, PowerPoint, doodly 2d animation, rise 360,

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