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VIVEK GUPTA's Linkedin Analytics

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I'm a passionate and result-driven PPC Specialist with 6+ years of experience in managing global clients and executing Pay-Per-Click campaigns. Have successfully managed a $50K+ monthly budget delivered exceptional results, and provided my clients with a 10x+ ROI. Being from a core agency background, I have acquired the adequate skills to manage global clients and serve them with the best result. I have a master's degree in Digital Marketing Management from Calcutta Media Institute which has given me the technical as well as creative know-how to manage PPC campaigns effectively. As an avid learner and explorer, I am always up-to-date with the latest trends and changes. I explore and learn new things constantly, which means that I am always well-informed about current trends. My curiosity also means that I am always willing to try out new things and experiment with different approaches. My continued learning approach has also helped me to obtain 20+ global certifications.

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