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Since you visited my profile, I have something to give you for free. Copy-paste this link to your browser 👇 https://savvysnack.gumroad.com/?a=891230163 (Some useful stuff that's helped 1,000+ people) Now, the main talk: I have been copywriting for a while now. Working with e-commerce brands mostly. And after sometime, I retired myself to working for ME only. So I set up an ecommerce brand, Arg Bazaar. Arg Bazaar was an online footwear seller which I scaled to be among the highest-growing brands in my home country. So why is that relevant? OK. Since you asked, here's why: - I improved my writing skills → Copywriting. - I learned how you can use writing in design. - I learned how designing & style works in content. - I learned how running business works & handling it. - I learned how content & psychology work together. - I Learned................ A lot. It was all running smooth until I moved to another country. Annnnd long story short, I'm now working on making writing content easier. (With AI) I use ChatGPT & bunches of other tools for that. - I do that here on LinkedIn. - I have an entire newsletter teaching people that. - I'm planning to scale it to help everyone be able to use AI for the better writing. Ahh, please. Don't ask me how I got into AI! That's also a long story. I was once a couch potato for some time which made me a tech & computer lover. Full Stop. --------------- Now to do each other a favor, go and subscribe to Savvy Snack → savvysnack.substack.com. Or click the link on my profile. You'll get a juicy snack helping you write with a snap. And I'll get another subscriber. WIN-WIN Sounds Great? →

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