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Sumeet Kumar ✶'s Linkedin Analytics

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Sumeet Kumar ✶

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Hi, I am Sumeet Kumar, a digital marketing specialist with a bachelor's in marketing and an overall 5 years of expertise in executing SEO strategies along with a diverse background in Google ads, Social Media Optimization, influencer Marketing, YouTube SEO, local SEO, and Meta ads, Content Marketing, and Backlinks. I grew up and studied in Chandigarh to jumpstart my career journey as a digital marketing specialist role. As a digital marketing specialist, I've managed 40+ projects across various niches and industries and served 20+ clients worldwide. I've also been a Hubspot & Google-certified digital marketing specialist. 🎯 Some of my key Accomplishments: ✦ Increased website traffic by 40% through SEO and content marketing strategies. ✦ Driven 50% growth in sales by utilizing targeted influencer marketing campaigns. ✦ Led content marketing campaigns resulting in a 20% increase in organic traffic, page views, and traffic ✦ Implemented blog optimization strategies that boosted website users by 25%. ✦ Demonstrated expertise in technical optimization, driving a 30% increase in website loading and user experience ✦ Industry Expertise: Immigration, B2B, SaaS, Education, Travel, Immigration, Fashion, Beauty, It, Agencies, services, retail, shopping, finance, legal, and more. On my weekdays, I mostly spend time reading the bible, listening to the gospel from top preachers, learning and developing my skills, and focusing on personal branding. I am also a fan of Eating, songwriting, music compositions, and singing, and a kid's lover who spends a lot of time with my little princess. Passionate about delivering excellence! Committed to integrity, innovation, collaboration, honesty, trustworthiness, and hard work. Embracing challenges, I strive to exceed expectations by blending creativity with data-driven insights and metrics. 🏆 Achievements and Recognitions - Best employee of the month by Udit Chopra for increasing Spymaster Pro’s traffic and sales by 50% - Best email signature Award by Ajay Chaudhary Founder & CEO of Softrix web solutions What sets me apart is my ability to bridge the gap between data and creativity. With a deep understanding of SEO and digital marketing analytics, I can leverage insights to create an impactful campaign. My professional objective is to establish myself as a thought leader in the field of digital marketing, fostering innovation and developing plans that transform companies. ✦ I am available for weekly or monthly freelance opportunities ✦ Email for business enquiries: [email protected]

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