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Someone wiser than me suggested I tweak this part of my profile. Here goes. I graduated from Purdue in 1974 during a harsh recession. BSE IDE. Yes, I am a proud Purple Squirrel. I was lucky to get any job offers at all. I got one and only one. FM Global as Fire Protection Engineer (FPE) trainee in 1975. WTH is FPE you say? Well, I didn't know either. But 49 years later I'm still doing FPE work (albeit P/T). Those 49 years have been mostly in Insurance and Risk Management. I've been the insured, the insurer, and a consultant telling both what they should do. Every day is different. That makes most days fun. I am among the few Engineers who scored better on Verbal (English) test scores than Math. Even though Engineering may sound like number crunching, it is far more than that. Like nearly all professions, it requires great people skills and interactivity to achieve success. I've been lucky to have had great peers, mentors, and family & friends along the way. My #1 hobby is Saltwater Fishing. I have been more successful at that than anything else I've ever done. Again success is derived from having great mentors (fishing boat captains). I am writing a book about my fishing chronicles. From Bluegills To Blue Marlin is the working title. It's really hard to write a book. Much easier to read them. Like #Networked or Ralphy's Rules. Or Bad Ass Lawyer. Just to name three. There are 168 hours every week. Most of us work about 40 of them. I work more like 20 hours most weeks. Have fun in the other 128, too.

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