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Tobias Krause's Linkedin Analytics

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Tobias Krause

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An award-winning producer with more than 15 years of experience in project management and production, I am a cross-functional creative leader who thrives behind the scenes while connecting dots on projects of all shapes and sizes. I have a Master's degree in Project Management and multiple certifications in Google Workspace, critical thinking, and team collaboration. Currently, I am a Partner and Executive Producer at The Pinecone Project, where I manage operations and deliver experiential and project-based work for a diverse portfolio of clients. I am also the Founder and Executive Producer of No Coast Projects, a full-service creative agency that aims to bring ideas to life through strategic storytelling and unforgettable moments. My specialties include experience in marketing, consulting, business analysis, risk management, event production, contracts, procurement, project metrics, monitoring, and control. While working with multinational corporations/organizations/businesses, I have been fortunate to create innovative and impactful projects while winning a few awards along the way. I am passionate about working with brands, people, places, and things that have a story to tell and a vision to realize.

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