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Todd Wostrel

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Product leader with extensive experience in E-commerce and hi-tech industry conceptualizing and developing innovative products and building high performing teams. Extensive business experience in defining business strategy, engagement management, and developing partner ecosystem. Deep understanding of leading technology domains (E-Commerce, Search, Cloud Computing, SaaS, and Machine Learning), and have leveraged it successfully to build products, and help clients solve business problems and drive technology innovation. Led Amazon global shipping product (Amazon Seller Experience, delivery promise time, and new shopping tools) strategy and development, driving innovation and enabling growth for WW Amazon Sellers. Managed team of 5+ PM and BAs & worked across 50+ devs. Experienced in building successful businesses ground-up within large multinationals as well as start-ups and delivering high adoption customer facing products: defining strategy & processes, articulating and delivering on detailed execution plans, completing complex projects to meet business goals and generating revenues, and new user acquisitions leading to 3 acquisitions. Specialties: Product leadership, defining product strategy and execution, helping businesses go-mobile and getting- big-fast, P&L ownership, generating revenues and user acquisitions, driving alliances with ecosystem partners.

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