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🪲Tom Ulman

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All about Digital Products, Startups & Biomimicry! I currently lead UX/UI across Web, Android and IOS for the B2C market at Reading Eggs, the multi-award winning learning program that helps children learn to read. Before Reading Eggs I have had the opportunity to work on custom software for well known companies such as NAB, Virgin Australia and Cushman & Wakefield. After Hours, I help Startups validate, build and launch at AlmostHuman.au How I Work: I enjoy a hands-on approach across all stages of a product lifecycle, traversing between the domains of research, design and engineering. Through lean research and rapid design iterating I enjoy creating data-backed hypotheses that lead to impactful, customer-centric solutions. Part of the role of a UX Engineer is being a tech whisperer - bridging the gap, seamlessly translating the intricate languages of developers and designers to ensure clarity and alignment with other stakeholders. I am always open to discuss opportunities, provide advice or just have a friendly chat. I thrive in collaborative, tight-knit teams. I love hearing about people's different goals, passions, and motivations, and I am passionate in encouraging learning and growth in those around me. So please don't hesitate to reach out and contact me! I believe it is important for a business to have integrity and to practice gender and LGBTQIA+ equality, celebrate all cultures and religions, actively strive towards sustainable solutions to preserve our planet, and engage in positive social action. A business should treat each employee as an individual, being mindful of their uniqueness, and in Australia, recognise and support the traditional custodians of our land and country.

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