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Profile picture of Vinod Kumar Kashyap

Vinod Kumar Kashyap

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Who Am I I've always been the quiet type, an introvert with just a handful of close friends you could count on one hand. I've always felt unique as if I was meant to do something different from the rest of my family. What I Used To Do I work in Software development. Then, after 17 years of working in the corporate world, I faced a curveball. The company I'd dedicated myself to let me go due to a brutal recession. Strangely enough, it wasn't the first time this had happened. I'd been fired from jobs three times before, even though I knew I was one of the best. How It Turned The third time was a charm because it made me rethink my path. I decided it was time to build something of my own. It's still a work in progress, but I love every step of the journey. What I do Now I love writing and providing Ghostwriting services. I also love helping others with Numerology. So, here's to new beginnings! After 17 years in the corporate world, I'm diving headfirst into the writing industry, and I couldn't be more excited about what's to come. All of my pals are welcome to join me in this transformation endeavour. I'm on my path to realising my ambitions. Why I Do As an introvert, I love to express my feelings through writing. I write from my heart. Occultism attracts me. Where You Can Find Me Facebook/X: iamvinodkashyap Instagram: vinodkashyap Youtube: vinodkumarkashyap Clubhouse: @vinodkashyap Medium: https://vinodkashyap.medium.com/

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