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Lana Weal 🌈's Linkedin Analytics

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I support startups and purpose-driven founders to make marketing more fun with more ease. My speciality is 'organic marketing' and SEO. What I'm working on right now: + Supporting founders through marketing consulting with MarketMindfully.com + Delivering educational marketing and startup workshops for purpose-driven founders within startup communities, accelerators and VCs. Previous sessions include startup communities: BlueChilli, Atto, Archangel VC, Remarkable Accelerator, Subak Accelerator, Monash, Young Change Agents, One Roof and other founder communities + Chatting with founders doing business for good with In Kind Company podcast - to be released ASAP in 2024 Want to chat with me about marketing, SEO or something else? Book in for a discovery call. https://calendly.com/lanaweal/15min I'm a lover of learning, researching, and striving for incremental improvements with the goal of making the world a better place. I'm fascinated by the businesses that balance making money and a positive impact. I was raised in a small town in New Zealand and was lucky to get a scholarship to do a study exchange in Europe while at university. After five years of study, I knew I wanted to be a part of an inspiring community that strives to create a better future while learning from our history. Now after living in Melbourne for over a decade, I try to connect my marketing consulting work to creating positive change. We need more products and services in the world that support people to live healthier and happier lives. ------ Interested in quality initiatives solving problems around: - Business for good with purpose-driven companies, social enterprises, + impact investing - Sustainability, ethical sourcing / ethical supply chains + minimalism - Wellbeing, health, fitness + mental health - Education, access to education + in particular financial education - Creativity + the arts - Empowering women in business + entrepreneurs from a wide range of backgrounds ------ LANA WEAL BIO With a love for storytelling, Lana Weal has worked with some of Australia’s most well-known brands, local businesses as well as early-stage startups and accelerators. Lana is the founder of Market Mindfully and supports purpose-driven businesses to share their story and make more impact by focusing on making marketing fun and easy. With a fascination with the power of no-code tools, Lana created Women of Statue to showcase monuments of women around the world. She’s also the host for the upcoming In Kind Company podcast focused on sharing stories of purpose-driven founders.

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