A Complete Guide for Maximizing Lead Generation with LinkedIn Leads Ads

If you employ them correctly, LinkedIn form ads can be a highly effective tool for lead generation. Learn how to use it for growing your account.

A Complete Guide for Maximizing Lead Generation with LinkedIn Leads Ads
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If you employ them correctly, LinkedIn form ads can be a highly effective tool for lead generation. Learn how to use it for growing your account.
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A Complete Guide for Maximizing Lead Generation with LinkedIn Leads Ads
LinkedIn is an amazing tool for professionals who want to develop their personal brands. Posting high-quality content on the platform can help you expand your professional network to generate new leads and business opportunities.
But many people who start creating LinkedIn content complain that organizing a large audience can take a lot of time. In this article, we look at how to use LinkedIn form ads for lead gen so you can grow your connections list quickly.
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What Are LinkedIn Form Ads?

LinkedIn form ads, formally called LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms, are interactive ads that allow you to capture leads directly through LinkedIn. This ad format shows up in a user’s feed. It encourages them to fill out a form to access gated information, such as a downloadable resource, newsletters, or something else.
Form Ads can help you generate leads for your personal brand because they allow you to reach new customers quickly. The forms enable you to target prospective clients, such as users who have shown interest in your industry or similar services or products.
This is especially useful if you want to promote yourself as an expert in your field because the forms enable you to collect contact information from your leads, so you can expand your offer via email or retargeting ads.

What Other Types of LinkedIn Ads Exist?

LinkedIn offers several different ad formats that you can use to generate leads for your personal brand, such as
  1. Sponsored content: Sponsored content is an ad format that shows up in your audience’s feeds and looks similar to organic content. This ad format can include text, images, and video.
  1. Sponsored InMail: Sponsored InMail is an ad format to send messages directly to a user’s inbox. Sponsored InMails can include text, images, and a call-to-action button.
  1. Display ads: Display ads are banner ads on the side of LinkedIn’s website or app. Display ads can include text, images, and a call-to-action button. You can use them to promote your brand, but they’re generally not as eye-catching as sponsored content, dynamic ads, or video ads.
  1. Dynamic ads: Dynamic ads represent an automated ad format personalized to each user. LinkedIn shows dynamic ads to specific users based on their interests and activities.
  1. Video ads: As the name suggests, video ads include video content. Video ads can appear in users’ feeds as regular content or banner ads.

Why Should You Use LinkedIn Form Ads for Lead Gen?

LinkedIn form ads can be a powerful Lead Generation tool if you use them properly. They offer several advantages, such as
  • Targeted reach: LinkedIn form ads allow you to target a specific audience. You can use target users based on demographics, job titles, industries, and other factors to put your content in front of the right audience.
  • Easy lead capture: LinkedIn form ads make capturing more information about your prospects easy. This can help you contact your leads via LinkedIn InMail.
  • Customization options: LinkedIn form ads are customizable, so you can use them to increase brand awareness. You can tailor the form and the ad to match your brand’s identity, tone of voice, and personality. The form can also include custom fields to gather specific user information while matching your brand’s style and messaging.
  • Detailed analytics: LinkedIn provides detailed analytics for form ads, so you can track their performance and optimize them as needed. You can track how many people saw your ad, how many filled out the form, and other vital metrics. Combined with Taplio’s Chrome extension, the analytics can help you understand what content to post to grow your brand.

How to Use LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms

Depending on your business goals, there are several strategic ways to use lead gen forms. Popular recommendations include
  • Collect leads into your CRM: Customer relationship management (CRM) software helps you manage your relationships with prospects, leads, and customers. By connecting the information you collect via the forms to your CRM, you can use it in your nurturing or marketing campaigns.
  • A/B testing: Lead gen forms are great for A/B testing. They enable you to test your creatives and/or your copy to find the winning formula for your personal brand. This makes them valuable for professionals who want to define their LinkedIn content strategy.
  • Lead prospects to your offer: Most people who use lead gen forms use them to offer a downloadable asset, such as a PDF. However, you can also lead people to an offer that’s hosted on your website. This would enable them to explore the other resources you offer so that they can get a better understanding of your expertise.
  • Authority building: You can use lead gen forms to position yourself as an industry expert and drive leads to your free courses or webinars. This is a great way to let your prospects know that you’re a master of your field.

LinkedIn Lead Gen Form Examples

Here are some great examples of lead gen forms that can serve as content inspiration.
1 - Promote a service: Lead gen forms are great for service-based businesses. They enable you to promote your services creatively and collect user information so you can use it in other marketing initiatives, such as retargeting or nurturing campaigns.
Eltropy uses lead-form ads to promote its services.
Eltropy uses lead-form ads to promote its services.
2 - Webinar lead gen: Lead gen forms are ideal for webinars because they enable you to capture the lead’s personal information so that you can send them automatic reminders and nurturing emails.
CorelDRAW uses engaging designs and lead gen forms to attract webinar leads.
CorelDRAW uses engaging designs and lead gen forms to attract webinar leads.
3 - Website visits: Encourage people to visit your website to access gated content. This helps them explore your website to familiarize themselves with your brand.
Dialpad offers free templates to encourage people to visit its website.
Dialpad offers free templates to encourage people to visit its website.
4 - Authority building: Offer free content to increase your brand authority and visibility. Free content encourages people to interact with your personal brand and helps you set yourself up as an expert.
Hubspot expands its reach with free content delivered via lead gen forms.
Hubspot expands its reach with free content delivered via lead gen forms.

LinkedIn Lead Gen Form Best Practices

Several rules can help you generate more leads with lead gen forms:
  • Write a good headline: Grab the attention of your ideal audience with clear and compelling headlines.
  • Keep it brief: Keep the ad copy and the form short and to the point. Ask only for the information you need to follow up with the leads.
  • Include a CTA: Make sure to use a solid call to action, such as “Learn more”, “Sign up” or “Download for free” to encourage your leads to complete the form.
  • Use powerful visuals: Make your ad more attractive with graphics and images so you can stop leads from scrolling over it.
  • Hone in on your audience: Make the most of LinkedIn’s targeting options so you can show your lead gen form to the right audience.
  • Track and optimize: Track the performance of your ads with LinkedIn’s ad analytics and make any necessary adjustments to improve it.
  • Test everything: Different Test versions of the copy, and visuals. Find the best versions for your target audience.
Keep track of everything you test and try out to identify the best combinations for your personal brand. Plus, keeping track of the changes can also help you build a LinkedIn lead gen case study and use that to capture more leads.

Make the Most Out of Your Form Ads With Automation

Form ads can help you save time on LinkedIn because they enable you to expand your network without difficulty. And you can use Taplio to make the most out of your new followers. Taplio’s LinkedIn lead generation tool lets you make lists of the leads you capture and send personalized DMs to nurture your relationship.
In addition, our LinkedIn post scheduler feature allows you to prepare and post content on specific days and time slots without having to be online so that you can create an automated lead gen funnel.
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Writer @ Taplio

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