Everything you need to know to use LinkedIn as an Architect

Discover the value of LinkedIn for architects. Find out how to use LinkedIn to generate leads and connect with fellow industry professionals.

Everything you need to know to use LinkedIn as an Architect
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Discover the value of LinkedIn for architects. Find out how to use LinkedIn to generate leads and connect with fellow industry professionals.
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How to use Linkedin as an Architect
LinkedIn is a valuable asset to attract new clients for architects.
You can connect with colleagues and prospects, and uncover new business opportunities and collaborations.
Read on to discover the benefits of LinkedIn for architects and how to use the platform to attract new architectural clients.

3 Reasons Why You Should Use LinkedIn as an Architect

Using LinkedIn can benefit architects in multiple ways:
  • Showcasing their work: Even though it’s not a traditional platform for architects, LinkedIn can help them showcase their skills to generate leads and attract clients.
  • Staying on top of industry news: LinkedIn helps architects stay up-to-date on industry news, the latest trends, best practices, and emerging technologies.
  • Networking: LinkedIn enables architects to connect with other professionals in their field, suppliers, and potential customers so they can lay the foundations for new collaborations.

3 Steps to Your Success on LinkedIn

Creating a successful LinkedIn profile as an architect is not difficult if you know where to start.
Here are 3 steps that help you establish yourself as a leading authority in your field:

1. Get your profile right

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Dan Miklosz mentions his industry focus in his profile so prospects can easily find him using LinkedIn’s search feature.
  • Use a professional profile photo
Choose a recent, high-quality headshot.
Your face should take up around 60% of the image and the background should be neutral so your audience won’t find it distracting.
Bonus points if the colors and style are cohesive with your banner.
  • Write a compelling headline
Your headline helps you differentiate yourself from other professionals in your field.
You should use this space to outline your professional experience and skills.
Use keywords in your headline to make it easier for your prospects to find you when using the platform’s search feature. For example, writing something along the lines of “Innovative architect with 10 years of experience in designing and developing commercial buildings” helps your audience understand what you do.
If you’re not sure how to write your headline, use Taplio’s headline generator for free!
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  • Detail your experience
Add your work experience to your profile, making sure that you include the projects you’ve worked on, responsibilities, and achievements or awards.
  • Mention your skills
Add any relevant skills, including the software you use to design new projects.
  • Add endorsements
Ask former collaborators, clients, and colleagues to endorse your skills. LinkedIn profiles that list five or more endorsed skills are 33x times more likely to be discovered by potential clients.
  • Update your profile
You should regularly update your profile to showcase recent changes in your experience, skills, and achievements.
If prospect’s see that your last update was 8 years ago, they will likely think that you’re not really on top of things anymore.

2. Create content

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Bob Borson uses his LinkedIn account to constantly post content about industry trends and best practices.
Posting high-quality content is key if you want to connect with industry professionals and attract potential clients.
However, there’s no hard rule on what type of content you should post, so you can focus on creating and sharing the type of content you think would benefit you most.
Here are some ideas on content topics you can focus on to jumpstart your LinkedIn profile:
  • Educational content: Even though architecture has a niched audience, many people want to learn more about design concepts, interior design, remodeling, and so on. Posting educational content that helps people gain a basic level of understanding of architecture can help you attract a good-sized audience.
  • Latest trends: Architects are designing impressive buildings around the world. Spotting the latest trends and initiating conversations about them can help you connect with colleagues and get new perspectives on what these trends represent for the industry as a whole.
  • Industry news: Breaking down the latest industry news and discussing their potential implications on your industry can help you connect with other professionals. You can set a Google alert for architectural news and share them on your profile to start conversations with other professionals.

Don’t want to spend hours creating and uploading content?

The issue, however, is that when you’re up to your ears in new projects and trying to juggle that with your LinkedIn account you may dive head-first into writer’s block.
Luckily, at Taplio we work hard in providing you with the best tools so that you can manage your business and your LinkedIn account without any issues.
Our Content Inspiration feature enables you to post engaging content with the help of AI.
Create original and captivating posts with Taplio’s content creator, and simply read, revise, and post. You can generate a month’s worth of posting easily!
You can then use our LinkedIn post scheduler to publish your content on specific dates and times, and the LinkedIn lead Generation Tool to make lists of the LinkedIn users who interact with your content so you can connect with them and expand your audience.

3. Network with other people

There are around 8,800 groups that discuss architecture on LinkedIn.
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LinkedIn is the perfect platform for professional networking. And the easiest way to find fellow architects is by joining dedicated groups. Here’s a list of groups you might consider joining:

What are the biggest architects on LinkedIn you can get inspiration from?

To find more inspiration, check out our list of 100 best LinkedIn influencers!

Gain new clients with these lead gens strategies

LinkedIn can help you connect with new clients. Here are the best strategies architects can use for lead generation:
  • Organic lead gen
Organic lead gen means posting quality content and connecting with LinkedIn users who interact with your content.
Read our article on How to Do Organic Lead Generation on LinkedIn to learn more.
  • Automated organic lead gen
Automatic lead gen is similar to organic lead gen, but involves less work.
Read our article on How to use Lead Gen Automation on LinkedIn to find out more.
  • Lead gen with LinkedIn Form Ads
LinkedIn Form Ads are adverts that help you generate leads.
Read our article on How to Use LinkedIn Form Ads for Lead Gen to find out more.

Architects, don’t sleep on LinkedIn!

LinkedIn helps architects connect with fellow professionals and potential clients, and can be a valuable tool in your lead-generation arsenal.

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Christina Miranda

SEO, content creator, and translator