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Cesar Val

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I am a LUXURY expert, C-Suite advisor, consultant, global speaker, and professor at world-class business schools. As an explorer of disruptive technologies, I help companies elevate their shoppers' journeys, leveraging web3 and Metaverse tools. I am an Executive Coach in Business Models for Extreme Value Creation. What do I offer: 1. C-Suite Advisory and consultancy. I provide business strategic support and tailored consultancy, focusing on Extreme Value Creation business models. 2. Public speaking. Last year, I was on stage in 18 countries from three continents (+30,000 audience). 3. Training. Collaborations with World-class Business Schools programs and in-company training. Luxury Marketing & Services / web3 & metaverse. We founded VAL Consulting to run a unique Mentoring Program, LUXELLING. We build and develop the LUXURY MINDSET. I have been a senior executive of global FMCG companies such as Danone or Nutrition & Santé. Then, I was the head of a portfolio of luxury brands in Europe and the Middle East, including Prada, Carolina Herrera, Jean-Paul Gaultier, Christian Louboutin, Comme des Garçons, and Valentino. I founded a Consultancy boutique firm in Dubai, from which we support managers and companies worldwide to raise the value of their brands and expand their business in Europe and the Middle East. From 2022, I am CEO and co-founder of act Global, the web3 division of Visual Latina Group, a leading shopper marketing solutions company. Strong academic background with a business degree, two masters in Top WW Rank institutions (AMP by IESE / MBA by ESADE), and postgraduate studies for Leadership at Harvard University and Digital Transformation in MIT (IoT) and Kellogg School of Management (AI/ML). Advisor for IESE Business School in the Middle East and guest professor in its Senior Management programs. Lecturer at ESADE Business School, National University of Singapore, Florida International University, SDA Bocconi Asia, Boston University and the Panamerican Business School. LinkedIn has officially recognized me TOPVOICES 2023. ‘Life is for living’. I am passionate about having a GREAT LIFE BALANCE. I enjoy travelling to connect and discover Comics and Japanese culture; I have been practising Martial Arts for many years (Black Belt, 3rd Dan). Thanks to my wife, I started running Spartan Races in 2016 and have run them worldwide since then. Contact me at [email protected] with any thoughts, comments, or questions about my work – I am always interested in exploring fruitful collaborations and making new professional acquaintances.

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