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I care about your problems. Not just so I can sell you something. One of my favorite spots in the Bible says “…our Savior God who desires all men to be saved and come to the full knowledge of the truth.” That's an all-inclusive compassion right there. Look, I’m a professional and certainly won’t engage you, customers, partners, or others on theology or the meaning of human life or the problem of good and evil. That’d be wildly inappropriate in many cases. But I’m lucky / blessed / call it what you want to have the heart of the most wonderful person implanted in me. He’s a poor, outwardly ugly carpenter but millions possibly billions have been attracted to Him. That’s a less than 1% kinda dude, and I want to be that too. Wholeheartedly I mean that I care. Why am I calling all this out? That’s my roots, and the core value that has helped me most in every single venture I’ve touched from Subway Sandwich artist in 2001 to SaaS sales bro today!! My competitive nature propels a tireless work ethic and my job history exhibits a proven track record of consistently rising to leadership in sales, outreach, and influence. Confident, friendly, disciplined, and customer focused, I have naturally moved into every position I have held over the past 15 + years by being myself. I consistently recommend improvements for products, processes, and services that ultimately lead to greater productivity and revenue. I deliver excellent customer service with positive energy, a can-do attitude, and an insatiable drive to succeed. Personally, my faith and my family are most important to me! I regularly speak at my church - there's a couple snippets in my profile here under FTTA. My other titles include Husband, Dadx2, Brother, Friend, and Comedian (self proclaimed). Coffee, sports, and creating my own clever Linkedin posts are hobbies. I also enjoy exercise, and trying to be healthy and failing . . . Comedy, right? Thanks for reading all this! I'm not long winded at all as you can tell ;)

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