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I spent 14 years climbing the corporate ladder in pursuit of success. However, after years of long days and late nights with little to show for it, I knew I had to make a change. That day was the 7th of February 2023. With our second son due in just 5 weeks, I had no other choice but to follow my dream, start a business, and make it a success. It was sink or swim time! But could starting an online business replace my six-figure income? YES! The first week was filled with crippling anxiety and self doubt. However, I quickly realised that if I didn't change my mindset and tackle this head on, nothing would ever change. On day 11, I won my first client. On day 28, I had replaced my monthly income. And on day 77 I had 5xd it 🀯 What was going on! The chains were off, and I was creating a life I'd always dreamed of. Since Feb 2023 I've been the Founder & CEO of SWJ Growth - A completely "done for you" LinkedIn lead generation agency for ambitious Accountants. On a personal note, I'm married to my beautiful wife Megan and a father to Oscar, Albie & Betty. I'm based in the south coast of the UK, living a stone's throw away from the beach πŸ–

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