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Lamarr Womble 's Linkedin Analytics

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One of the greatest life lessons I learned was from working with young people. They showed me that when life comes at you fast it’s hard to focus on your future, because the traumas of our life are so present. Fast forward 10 or 15 years and you are now 23, 30, or 37 and the childhood traumas you experienced still holds you back from being the greatest version of yourself. Our past is so connected to our present. For me, I didn’t break free of my mental prison until I was 32. I had a conversation with my father about our relationship that I was scared to have for 18 years. I cried, he spoke. In 20 minutes I lifted the heaviest burden off of my soul to become a better partner, father, brother, son, speaker, entrepreneur and ultimately a better coach for you. Once you’re free, the mind is able to create and flourish while your greatness is being held to a higher standard by a coach, ME! As you move into the future I want to ensure you are confident in your decision making to fight against the fluidity and insecurity that can plague our lives. I’m not coaching you for just results. I’m coaching you to show up authentically and powerfully as your whole self while living the most fulfilled life you can possibly create for yourself!

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