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Mark P. Jung

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👋 Hey, I’m Mark Jung — Founder @ Authority. We help founders, leaders, and companies turn attention into authority on LinkedIn. LinkedIn-led growth you can build your business on: 📌 Saas Company Page Growth with Authority so far (80 days in): 4.48 million organic impressions +13,142 new followers - Highest new revenue quarter to date - Fastest newsletter growth to date 📌 CEO Personal Brand Growth with Authority so far (30 days in): 5.35 million organic impressions +6,743 new followers - Fastest growing founders on LinkedIn - Scaled product launches to reach the right audience (With 10,000x the engagement & reach vs before Authority) 📌 Marketing Leader Personal Brand Growth with Authority so far (14 days in): 1.22 million organic impressions +1416 new followers - Qualified demos booked from their first post - Reaching a qualified executive audience — Do you want to grow on LinkedIn? We can help you level up your content. All our clients see similar levels of growth. Whether it's 14 days in, 30 days in, or 1 year in. Because you need a playbook to win on LinkedIn. And we've spent half a decade learning how to do it. Curious? Email me: Mark@authorityb2b.com — How did we learn to do this? 📌 My marketing career TLDR; I went from 'new to tech' to VP Marketing for a global $3B brand in record time. I built some of the fastest growing media arms: → Scaled two startups to hypergrowth, raised $130M → Grew my content to 1M+ impressions every week → Built an exec GTM network from 0 connections → Became a speaker at the largest tech events And my Authority Co-Founder Daniel Muray? → He built The Marketing Millennials to 1M+ followers → Became the #1 Rated Marketing Podcast by Business.com → Grew the TMM newsletter to over 100,000 marketing leaders — So. Why should you work with us Authority? We're not another LinkedIn "ghostwriting" agency: → You grow faster thanks to our proven systems from years of testing Our personal & media brands do 200M impressions / year on LinkedIn → You can build your business on LinkedIn-led growth We've scaled 7-figure media companies from LinkedIn → You get us as an extension of your GTM team We're both career marketers who deeply understand growth and demand creation — 👋 P.S. We’re only taking on 2 - 3 new clients at Authority. You can join the waitlist @ AuthorityB2B.com Have questions? Shoot me a DM. Talk soon, Mark

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