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Mathew D'adesky's Linkedin Analytics

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Sales was a surprise. I started off by paying for college with a Miami-paced retail sales job. At the same time, I was competitively playing basketball as a coachable, goal-orientated, & a person who is always trying to improve. After winning Rookie of the Year & taking home several record-breaking awards, sales was my super power. I went from studying psychology to using it daily in sales. I'm a sales veteran with 10+ years of experience ranging from travel & hospitality sales to tech startups. I've worked for enterprise companies such as BKC & RCL and Series A companies as the very first sales hire- building everything from scratch. ⇻ Successful Salespreneur in Travel, Tech, Hospitality, & Consulting. ⇻ 4x Global sales record breaker with multiple enterprise companies ⇻ $3.7M raised in Series A funding, $1.48M sold in one month, multiple $900K+ contracts signed ⇻ Consistent $1M+ annual quotas achieved & exceeded ⇻ C-Suite sales focus targeting B2B & B2C ⇻ Masters & undergrad at FIU - Miami loyal "Panther Pride" ⇻ Lover of travel, food, health, fitness, music, adventure, & culture

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