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Michael Scott Overholt, PhD's Linkedin Analytics

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You've either (1) got no time to network, post, AND engage consistently OR... (2) have the time but cannot connect with your target audience. You feel stuck, frustrated, SOL... It's okay. You're human and this work is the hard work. Here's how it works: 1. We'll get clear on your who, your what, and your how ā†³ So that your audience knows you have them, their problem, and their solution in mind. 2. We'll develop high-converting messaging ā†³ With algorithm-friendly content, engagement, and audience growth. 3. We'll scale your out-bound lead generation strategy ā†³ Using daily/weekly/monthly KPIs to track progress. What you'll get from me is a former teacher with an insatiable philosophical curiosity. It's why I excel at... - Listening to my clients - Identifying natural message progressions - Find audience building among my chief superpowers And those three letters at the end of my name? Don't worry about them. They remind me of where I came from and where I'm going. You'll find out what that means soon enough. But don't just take my word for it. Here's what Kevin Huntting said about working with me: "Michael understands that at the heart of every successful piece of content lies a fundamental truth ā€“ the human connection. His language doesn't just reach people; it speaks to them, creating a dialogue that feels intimate despite the digital divide." Let's start building a relationship with a pitch-free virtual coffee. You'll likely find out about my favorite vinyls. https://calendly.com/copyconsultantbymichael/chat

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