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89% of customers begin their buying process with a search engine. Now imagine if your brand’s web content shows up on the first page of Google for: 1. Money keywords that generate revenue. 2. Commercial keywords that warm up the leads. 3. Informational keywords that build brand awareness. But I hear you. You’re not there yet. You’re: Frustrated because your blogs aren't ranking high. Edgy because your potential customers can't see you. Unhappy because your SEO effort isn’t yielding results. And let me tell you what will happen if you stay persistent with your current doings? - You will have to keep spending on Ads for sales. - You will be struck at one channel of revenue. - You will never convert cold + cool traffic. But you’re lucky you found me. I am an SEO Content Writer who knows the ins and outs of SEO blog writing. I am an SEO Copywriter who converts words to sales. I create affordable SEO content strategies, articles and web copy that will rank your brand in Google. The result? 1. More traffic to your website. 2. More sales in your balance sheet. 3. More recognition among your customers. What it means for you? 1. Your rankings improve. 2. You get more sales. 3. Your authority 📈. My guarantee? - The content will be plagiarism + AI-free. - The SEO articles will meet the search intent. - At least 20% of them will rank on the first page within 4 months. - If you don’t like the articles (or copy), I return 50% of your payment. Here’s what makes me a good SEO Content Writer. I: 📌took my client’s multi-niche blog from 0 to 80k organics in 2 years (with my team). 📌know how to optimize for featured snippets, PAA boxes and long-tail keywords 📌have ranked 100+ articles in the top 6 pos of Google for hundreds of different keywords. 📌make content rankable by doing competitor analysis, Google Search Console tracking, content gap analysis & implementing internal/external linking. Here’s what makes me a good SEO Copywriter. I: 📌have written 1500+ product descriptions for an e-commerce store. 📌have helped my B2C client drive $4373.43 of sales from one product in 22 days (May 2022). 📌have ranked almost 150+ DTC products on Google’s first page. 📌know how to implement PAS, AIDA, ACCA, BAB, BBB copywriting formulas. 📌have composed outstanding website copy for 9+ clients (e-commerce, B2C & DTC). Hit me up today if this is something you need: 1. Email: [email protected] 2. WhatsApp: +92 3217691832 (preferred) 3. DM (the best)

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