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Mukesh Bakshi

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As an experienced UX leader with over 18 years of crafting user-centric experiences, I possess a clear vision for the future of design in the technology industry. I am driven by a deep commitment to eliminating complexity and prioritizing user needs through forward-thinking, innovative solutions. Throughout my career, I have successfully led cross-functional teams in developing holistic design strategies, processes, and systems that enhance product ecosystems. My expertise lies in advocating for user-focused design principles, influencing stakeholders across organizations, and collaborating with UX, Engineering, and Product Management teams to create seamless experiences. I have a proven track record of driving business impact through design, such as increasing engagement by 30% and revenue by 25% for financial applications, boosting loyalty by 20% and expanding the global user base by 10% for automotive systems, and significantly improving key performance metrics for enterprise software solutions. As a UX Design Manager, I am eager to leverage my leadership skills, strategic thinking, and design advocacy to guide the careers of my team members and inspire them to realize their full potential. I am committed to fostering a culture of design excellence and championing user-centered methodologies across products. If you're seeking a visionary leader to shape the future of user experiences in the technology industry, I welcome the opportunity to discuss how my expertise can contribute to your team's success. Skills: UX Strategy | User Research | Usability Testing | Interaction Design | Information Architecture | Prototyping | UI Design | Agile UX | Design Systems | Design Strategy | Team Leadership | Usability Research | Cross-functional Collaboration | Executive Leadership

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